

This section is pretty dense. We need to break up and refactor content into smaller, more comprehensible chunks. You may want to take a look at examples first, and pick through topics here as more of a reference.


Flow’s central concept is a collection: an append-only set of immutable JSON documents. Every collection has an associated schema that documents must validate against. Collections are either captured, meaning documents are directly added via Flow’s ingestion APIs, or they’re derived by applying transformations to other source collections, which may themselves be either captured or derived. A group of collections are held within a catalog.

Collections are optimized for low-latency processing.

As documents are added to a collection, materializations & other derivations which use that collection are immediately notified (within milliseconds). This allows Flow to minimize end-to-end processing latency.

Collections are “Data Lakes”.

Collections organize, index, and durably store documents within a hierarchy of files implemented atop cloud storage. These files are Flow’s native, source-of-truth representation for the contents of the collection, and can be managed and deleted using regular bucket life-cycle policies.

Files hold collection documents with no special formatting (eg, as JSON lines), and can be directly processed using Spark and other preferred tools.

Collections can be of unbounded size.

The Flow runtime persists data to cloud storage as soon as possible, and uses machine disks only for temporary data & indexes. Collection retention policies can be driven only by your organizational requirements –- not your available disk space.

A new derivation or materialization will efficiently back-fill over all collection documents – even where they span months or even years of data – by reading directly out of cloud storage.

Crucially, a high scale back-fill that sources from a collection doesn’t compete with and cannot harm the collection’s ability to accept new writes, as reads depend only on cloud storage for serving up historical data. This is a guarantee that’s unique to Flow, through its Gazette-based architecture.

Collections may have logical partitions.

Logical partitions are defined in terms of a JSON-Pointer: i.e., the pointer /region would extract a partition value of “EU” from collection document {"region": "EU", ...}.

Documents are segregated by partition values, and are organized within cloud storage using a Hive-compatible layout. Partitioned collections are directly interpretable as external tables by tools that understand Hive partitioning and predicate push-down – like Snowflake, BigQuery, and Hive itself.

Each logical partition will have one or more physical partitions, backed by a corresponding Gazette journal. Physical partitions are largely transparent to users, but enable Flow to scale out processing as the data-rate increases, and may be added at any time.

Collections must have a declared key.

Keys are specified as one or more JSON-Pointer locations. When materializing a collection, its key carries over to the target system, and a key with more than one location becomes a composite primary key in SQL.

Collections are immutable, so adding a document doesn’t erase a prior document having the same key – all prior documents are still part of the collection. Rather, it reflects an update of the key, which by default will flow through to replace the value indexed by a materialization. Far richer semantics are possible by using reduction annotations within the collection’s schema.


Flow uses YAML or JSON source files, called catalog sources, to define the various entities which Flow understands (collections, schemas, tests, etc).

One or more sources are built into a catalog database by the flowctl build CLI tool. Catalog databases are SQLite files holding a compiled form of the catalog, and are what the Flow runtime actually executes against.

Catalog sources are divided into sections.

import section

A goal of catalogs is that they be composable and re-useable: catalog sources are able to import other sources, and it’s recommended that authors structure their sources in ways that make sense for their projects, teams, and organization.

The import section is a list of partial or absolute URLs, which are always evaluated relative to the base directory of the current source. For example, these are possible imports within a catalog source:

# Suppose we're in file "/path/dir/flow.yaml"
  - sub/directory/flow.yaml        # Resolves to "file:///path/dir/sub/directory/flow.yaml".
  - ../sibling/directory/flow.yaml # Resolves to "file:///path/sibling/directory/flow.yaml".
  - https://example/path/flow.yaml # Uses the absolute url.

The import rules are designed so that a catalog doesn’t have to do anything special in order to be imported by another source, and flowctl can even directly build remote sources:

# Build this documentation repository's Flow catalog.
$ flowctl build -v --source

JSON schemas have a $ref keyword, by which local and external schema URLs may be referenced. Flow uses these same import rules for resolving JSON schemas, and it’s recommended to directly reference the authoritative source of an external schema.

flowctl fetches and resolves all catalog and JSON Schema sources at build time, and the resulting catalog database is a self-contained snapshot of these resources as they were at the time the catalog was built.

collections section

The collections section is a list of collection definitions within a catalog source. A collection must be defined before it may be used as a source within another collection.

Derived collections may also reference collections defined in other catalog sources, but are required to first import them (directly or indirectly).

materializationTargets section

materializationTargets define short, accessible names for target systems – like SQL databases – that can be materialized into.

They encapsulate connection details and configuration of systems behind a memorable, authoritative name. See Materializations for more.

tests section

Flow catalogs can also define functional contract tests which verify the integrated end-to-end behaviors of one or more collections. You’ll see examples of these tests throughout this documentation.

Tests are named and specified by the tests section, and are executed by the “flowctl test” command against a local instance of the Flow runtime. A single test may have one or more steps, where each is one of:


Ingest the given document fixtures into the named collection. Documents are required to validate against the collection’s schema.

All of the documents written by an ingest are guaranteed to be processed before those of a following ingest. However, documents within an ingest are written in collection key order.


Verify runs after all prior “ingest” steps have been fully processed, and then compares provided fixtures to the contents of a named collection.

Comparisons are done using fully combined documents, as if the collection under test had been materialized. Notably this means there will be only one document for a given collection key, and documents always appear in collection key order.

Test fixture documents are not required to have all properties appearing in actual documents, as this can get pretty verbose. Only properties which are present in fixture documents are compared.


Flow makes heavy use of JSON Schema to describe the expected structure and semantics of JSON documents. If you’re new to JSON Schema, it’s an expressive standard for defining JSON: it goes well beyond basic type information, and can model tagged unions, recursion, and other complex, real-world composite types. Schemas can also define rich data validations like minimum & maximum values, regular expressions, date/time/email & other formats, and more.

Together, these features let schemas represent structure as well as expectations and constraints which are evaluated and must hold true for every collection document, before it’s added to the collection. They’re a powerful tool for ensuring end-to-end data quality: for catching data errors and mistakes early, before they can cause damage.


A central design tenant of Flow is that users need only provide a modeling of their data one time, as a JSON schema. Having done that, Flow leverages static inference over the schema to provide translations into other schema flavors:

  • Most Projections of a collection are automatically inferred from its schema, for example, and inference is used to map to appropriate SQL types and constraints.

  • Inference powers many of the error checks Flow performs when building the catalog, such as ensuring that the collection key must exist and is of an appropriate type.

  • Flow generates TypeScript definitions from schemas, to provide compile-time type checks of user lambda functions. These checks are immensely helpful for surfacing mismatched expectations around e.g. whether a field must exist, which otherwise usually blow up in production.

Reduction Annotations

JSON Schema introduces a concept of “Annotations”, which allow schemas to attach metadata at locations within a validated JSON document. For example, description can be used to describe the meaning of a particular property:

        description: "A description of myField"

Flow extends JSON Schema with reductions that define how one document is to be combined into another. Here’s an integer that’s summed:

type: integer
reduce: { strategy: sum }

# [ 1, 2, -1 ] => 2

What’s especially powerful about annotations is that they respond to conditionals within the schema. A tagged union type might alter the description of a property depending on which variant of the union type was matched. This also applies to reduction annotations, which can use conditionals to compose richer behaviors.

Reduction annotations are a Flow super-power. They make it easy to define combiners over arbitrary JSON documents, and they allow Flow to employ those combiners early and often within the runtime – regularly collapsing a torrent of ingested documents into a trickle.


Flow never delays processing in order to batch or combine more documents, as some systems do (commonly known as micro-batches, or time-based polling). Every document is processed as quickly as possible, from end to end.

Instead, Flow uses optimistic transaction pipelining to do as much useful work as possible, while it awaits the commit of a previous transaction. This natural back-pressure affords plenty of opportunity for data reductions, while minimizing latency.


Flow documents are arbitrary JSON, and may contain multiple levels of hierarchy and nesting. However, systems that Flow integrates with often model flattened tables with rows and columns, but no nesting. Others are somewhere in between.

Projections are the means by which Flow translates between the JSON documents of a collection, and a table representation. A projection defines a mapping between a structured document location (as a JSON-Pointer) and a corresponding column name (a “field”) in, e.g., a CSV file or SQL table.

Many projections are inferred automatically from a collection’s JSON Schema, using a field which is simply the JSON-Pointer with its leading slash removed. For example, a schema scalar with pointer /myScalar will generate a projection with field myScalar.

Users can supplement by providing additional collection projections, and a document location can have more than one projection field that references it. Projections are also how logical partitions of a collection are declared.

Some examples:

- name: example/sessions
    schema: session.schema.yaml
    key: [/user/id, /timestamp]
        # A "user/id" projection field is automatically inferred.
        # Add an supplemental field that doesn't have a slash.
        user_id: /user/id
        # Partly decompose a nested array of requests into a handful of named projections.
        "first request": /requests/0
        "second request": /requests/1
        "third request": /requests/2
        # Define logical partitions over country and device type.
            location_ptr: /country
            partition: true
            location_ptr: /agent/type
            partition: true

Logical Partitions

A logical partition of a collection is a projection which physically segregates the storage of documents by the partitioned value. Derived collections can in turn provide a partition selector which identifies a subset of partitions of the source collection that should be read:

- name: example/derived
                name: example/sessions
                        country: [US, CA]
                        device: [Desktop]

Partition selectors are very efficient, as they allow Flow to altogether avoid reading documents which aren’t needed by the derived collection.

Partitions also enable predicate push-down when directly processing collection files using tools that understand Hive partitioning, like Snowflake, BigQuery, and Spark. Under the hood, the partitioned fields of a document are applied to name and identify the Gazette journal into which the document is written, which in turn prescribes how journal fragment files are arranged within cloud storage.

For example, a document of “example/sessions” like {"country": "CA", "agent": {"type": "iPhone"}, ...} would map to a Gazette journal prefix of example/sessions/country=CA/device=iPhone/, which in turn produces fragment files in cloud storage like: s3://bucket/example/sessions/country=CA/device=iPhone/pivot=00/utc_date=2020-11-04/utc_hour=16/<name>.gz.

Tools that understand Hive partitioning are able to take query predicates over “country”, “device”, or “utc_date/hour” and push them “down” into the selection of files which must be read to answer the query – often offering much faster query execution because far less data must be read.


“pivot” identifies a physical partition, while “utc_date” and “utc_hour” reflect the time at which the journal fragment was created.

Within a logical partition there are one or more physical partitions, each a Gazette journal, into which documents are actually written. The logical partition prefix is extended with a “pivot” suffix to arrive at a concrete journal name.

Flow is designed so that physical partitions can be dynamically added at any time, to scale the write & read throughput capacity of a collection.


Flow offers a variety of ingestion APIs for adding documents into captured collections: gRPC, WebSocket streams of JSON or CSV, and POSTS of regular JSON over HTTP.

Ingestion within Flow is transactional. For example, the JSON POST API accepts multiple documents and collections to which they’re written, and returns only after the ingestion has fully committed. If a fault occurs, or a document fails to validate against its collection schema, than the ingestion is rolled back in its entirety.

Many data sources are continuous in nature. Flow provides WebSocket APIs for use by browser agents, API servers, log sources, and other connected streaming systems. Documents sent on the WebSocket streamed are collected into transaction windows, and Flow regularly reports back on progress as transactions commit.


Estuary has plans for additional means of ingestion, such as Kenesis and Kafka integrations, as well as direct Database changed data capture.

What’s implemented today is a minimal baseline to enable early use cases.


A derived collection is built from one or more transforms, where each transform reads a source collection and applies mapping lambda functions to its documents.

The transforms of a derivation are able to share state with each other through derivation registers, which are JSON documents that transformations can read and update. The applicable register is keyed by a data shuffle defined by each transform, extracted from its source documents.


A source is an “upstream” collection being consumed by a derived collection. Sources can be either captured or derived, however a derived collection cannot directly or indirectly source from itself.

In other words, collections must represent a directed acyclic graph (not having any loops), such that document processing will always halt. Of course, that doesn’t stop you from integrating a service which adds a cycle, if that’s your thing.


Sources can specify a selector over partitions of the sourced collection, which will restrict the partitions which are read. Selectors are efficient, as they allow Flow to altogether avoid reading data that’s not needed, rather than performing a read and then filtering it out.

Source Schemas

Collection schemas may evolve over time, and documents read from the source are re-validated against the current collection schema to ensure they remain valid. A schema error will halt the execution of the derivation, until the mismatch can be corrected.

Sources can optional provide an alternative source schema to use. This is helpful if the sourced collection reflects an external data source that the user doesn’t have control over, and which may evolve its schema over time.

In this case, the captured collection can use a permissive schema that ensures documents are never lost, and the derived collection can then assert a stricter source schema. In the event that source documents violate that schema, the derivation will halt with an error. The user is then able to update their schema and transformations, and continue processing from where the derivation left off.

Delayed Reads

Event-driven workflows are usually a great fit for reacting to events as they occur, but they aren’t terribly good at taking action when something hasn’t happened:

  • A user adds a product to their cart, but then doesn’t complete a purchase.

  • A temperature sensor stops producing its expected, periodic measurements.

Event driven solutions to this class of problem are challenging today. Minimally it requires integrating another system to manage many timers and tasks, bringing its own issues.

Engineering teams will instead often shrug and switch from an event streaming paradigm to a periodic batch workflow – gaining ease of implementation, but adding irremovable latency.

Flow offers another solution, which is to add an optional read delay to a transform. When specified, Flow will use the read delay to gate the processing of documents, with respect to the timestamp encoded within each document’s UUID, assigned by Flow at the time the document was ingested or derived. The document will remain gated until the current time is ahead of the document’s timestamp, plus its read delay.

Similarly, if a derivation with a read delay is added later, the delay is also applied to determine the relative processing order of historical documents.


Technically, Flow is gating the processing of a physical partition which is very efficient due to Flow’s architecture. Documents that are closely ordered within a partition will also have almost identical timestamps.

For more detail on document UUIDs, see their Gazette documentation.

Read delays open up the possibility, for example, of joining a collection with itself to surface cases of shopping cart abandonment, or silenced sensors. A derivation might have a real-time transform that updates registers with a “last seen” timestamp on every sensor reading, and another transform with a five minute delay, that alerts if the “last seen” timestamp hasn’t been updated since that sensor reading.


Lambdas are anonymous pure functions taking documents and returning zero, one, or more output documents. In map/reduce terms lambdas are “mappers”, and the Flow runtime performs combine and reduce operations using the reduction annotations provided with schemas.

The Flow runtime manages the execution contexts of lambdas, and a derivation may be scaled out to many contexts running over available machines. Assignments and re-assignments of those contexts are automatic, and the runtime maintains “hot” standbys of each context for fast fail-over.

Under the hood, lambda execution contexts are modeled as shards within the Gazette consumers framework.

Lambda functions are typed by the JSON schemas which constitute their inputs and outputs. Output documents are validated against expected schemas, and an error will halt execution of the derivation. Where applicable, Flow will also map JSON schemas into corresponding types in the lambda implementation language, facilitating static type checks during catalog builds.


Flow intends to support a variety of lambda languages in the future, such as Python, SQLIte, and jq.

TypeScript Lambdas

TypeScript is typed JavaScript that compiles to regular JavaScript during catalog builds, which Flow then executes on the NodeJS runtime. JSON Schemas are mapped to TypeScript types with high fidelity, enabling succinct and performant lambdas with rigorous type safety. Lambdas can also take advantage of the NPM package ecosystem.

Remote Lambdas

Remote endpoints are URLs which Flow invokes via JSON POST, sending batches of input documents and expecting to receive batches of output documents in return.

They’re a means of integrating other languages and environments into a Flow derivation. Intended uses include APIs implemented in other languages, running as “serverless” functions (AWS lambdas, or Google Cloud Functions).


A register is an arbitrary JSON document which is shared between the various transformations of a derivation. It allows those transformations to communicate with one another, through updates of the register’s value. Registers enable the full gamut of stateful processing workflows, including all varieties of joins and custom windowing semantics over prior events.

Like collections, the registers of a derivation always have an associated JSON schema. That schema may have reduction annotations, which are applied to fold updates of a register into a fully reduced value.

Each source document is mapped to a corresponding register using the transform’s shuffle, and a derivation may have lots of distinct registers. Flow manages the mapping, retrieval, and persistence of register values.

Under the hood, registers are backed by replicated, embedded RocksDB instances which co-locate 1:1 with the lambda execution contexts that Flow manages. As contexts are assigned and re-assigned, their DBs travel with them.

If any single RocksDB instance becomes too large, Flow is able to perform an online “split” which subdivides its contents into two new databases (and paired execution contexts), re-assigned to other machines.


Transformations may provide a shuffle key as one or more JSON-Pointer locations, to be extracted from documents of the transform’s sourced collection. If multiple pointers are given, they’re treated as an ordered composite key. If no key is provided, the source’s collection key is used instead.

During processing, every source document is mapped through its shuffle key to identify an associated register. Multiple transformations can coordinate with one another by selecting shuffle keys which reflect the same identifiers – even if those identifers are structured differently within their respective documents.

For example, suppose we’re joining two collections on a user accounts: one transform might use a shuffle key of [/id] for “account” collection documents like {"id": 123, ...}, while another uses key [/account_id] for “action” documents like {"account_id": 123, ...}`. In both cases the shuffled entity is an account ID, and we can implement a left-join of accounts and their actions by updating the register with the latest “account” document, and publishing “action” documents enriched by the latest “account” stored in the register.

At catalog build time, Flow checks the shuffle keys align on their composition and schema types.

Shuffle keys are named as they are because, in many cases, a physical “data shuffle” must occur where Flow redistributes source documents to the execution contexts that are responsible for their associated registers. This is a well known concept in the data processing world, and “shuffle” acknowledges and ties the role of a shuffle key to this concept. However, data shuffles are transparent to the user, and in many cases Flow can avoid them altogether.


Transforms put sources, shuffles, registers, and lambdas all together: transforms of a derivation specify a source and (optional) shuffle key, and may have either or both of an update lambda and a publish lambda.

“Update” lambdas update the value of a derivation register. These lambdas are invoked with a source document as their only argument, and return zero, one, or more documents which are then reduced by Flow into the current register value.

“Publish” lambdas publish new documents into a derived collection. Publish lambdas run after an update lambda of the transformation, if there is one. They’re invoked with a source document, its current register value, and its previous register value (if applicable). In turn, publish lambdas return zero, one, or more documents which are then incorporated into the derived collection.

Note that documents returned by publish lambdas are not directly added to collections. They’re first reduced by Flow into a single document update for each encountered unique key of the derivation, within a given processing transaction. In map/reduce terms, this is a “combine” operation, and it’s a powerful data reduction technique. It means that “publish” lambdas can return many small documents with impunity, confident that the runtime will combine their effects into a single published document.

To accomplish a stateful processing task, generally an “update” lambda will update the register to reflect one or more encountered documents of interest (often called a window), using reduction annotations that fold semantically meaningful updates into the register’s value for each document. This might mean storing a last-seen value, updating counters, sets, or other structures, or simply storing a bounded array of prior documents wholesale.

A “publish” lambda will then examine a source document, its current register, and prior register. It might filter documents, or compose portions of the source document & register. It can compare the prior & current registers to identify meaningful inflections, such as when a sum transitions between negative and positive. Whatever its semantics, it takes action by returning documents which are combined into the derived collection.

One might wonder why “update” lambdas aren’t invoked with / allowed to examine the present register. The short answer is “performance”. If update lambdas received a current register value then that implies that, for a given shuffle key, update lambdas must be invoked in strict sequential order. This could be very slow, especially if each invocation requires network round trips (e.g. with remote lambdas). Instead, Flow’s formulation of “update” and “publish” allows the runtime to process large windows of source documents through “update” or “publish” concurrently, even where many may share a common shuffle key.


While Flow is an event-driven system, the update/publish formulation has a direct translation into a traditional batch map/reduce paradigm, which Flow may offer in the future for even faster back-fills over massive datasets.


Materializations are the means by which Flow “pushes” collections into your databases, key/value stores, publish/subscribe systems, WebHook APIs, and so on. They connect a collection to a target system, via a materialization of the collection that continuously updates with the collection itself.

Wherever applicable, materializations are always indexed by the collection key. For SQL specifically, this means components of the collection key are used as the composite primary key of the table.

Many systems are document-oriented in nature, and can accept unmodified collection documents. Others are table-oriented, and when materializing into these systems the user first selects a subset of available projections, where each projection becomes a column in the created target table.


For the moment, Flow offers PostgreSQL and SQLite as available materialization targets. Again, what’s implemented today is a minimal baseline to enable early use cases. We have lots planned here.


Flow executes updates of materializations within transactions, and if the materialized system is also transactional, then these transactions are integrated for end-to-end “exactly once” semantics. At a high level, transactions:

  • Read current documents from the store for relevant collection keys (where applicable, and not already cached by the runtime).

  • Reduce one or more new collection documents into each of those read values.

  • Write the updated document back out to the store (or stream, etc).

One thing to note is that Flow issues at most one store read, and just one store write per collection key, per transaction. That’s irrespective to the number of collection documents that were ultimately reduced within the transaction. An implication is that a “flood” of collection documents can frequently be reduced to a comparative “trickle” of database updates, allowing the database to be scaled independently of the collection’s raw rate.

Flow also pipelines transactions: while one store transaction is in the process of committing, Flow is reading and reducing documents of the next transaction as it awaits the prior transaction’s commit. As a target database becomes busier or slower, Flow becomes more efficient at combining many documents into fewer table updates.

Creation Workflow

Flow offers an interactive command-line workflow (flowctl materialize) by which materializations are created, using collections, projections, and materialization targets defined in the Flow catalog.

A materialization target simply defines a target system (eg, PostgreSQL), and the connection parameters which are necessary to reach it. It gives the target a short and memorable.

Once the workflow is completed, the Flow runtime creates and manages the long-lived execution context which will continuously keep the materialization up-to-date.